Discover More is an online tool to help you find meaningful events and activities for yourself or your loved ones, for example pre schoolers, toddlers, teens, or older adults. Events and activities at the library of your choice - selected from the drop down menu - are proposed based on responses to a series of questions about your personal life in the self reflection section. Our expectation is that these tailored options should feel meaningful/relevant to you.
Thank you for taking part in this evaluation. Your participation and feedback are important and will help us in the next phase of our development work. We are asking you to evaluate 2 things:
This evaluation is entirely anonymous. At the end of the feedback section, you may choose to enter your e-mail address so we can contact you for more information or to participate in further evaluation phases but this will not be used to identify you in any way or for any purpose. Data collected through this evaluation will be analysed and used on a group level only.
If there are any questions you would like answered before you complete this evaluation, please contact Suffolk Libraries via email at the following address: [email protected]
Please complete the questions below and the self reflection section, then select the Find events & activities button which will display the suggested events/activities based on your responses. Please look through these – you can click on the links for more information on the events – please ignore the dates as this is test data. Then select the ‘Feedback’ button and complete / submit your feedback.
Thank you again for participating in this evaluation – we really appreciate it.
The Suffolk Libraries Discover More team.
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